Wooden Lathe machine light duty model is used to turn wooden rods into profiles or simple cylindrical bars. Wooden Lathe machine light duty modelconsists of a small stand for the operator comfort and ease of operation.
Wooden Lathe machine is used to turn wooden rods into profiles or simple cylindrical bars.We can even sand or finish the wood rod being made using this machine. Any wood workshop or factory should have one of the machine.This machine can be provided on custom design requirements also.We are a manufacturer of variety of wood working machines having high quality of workmanship.IF you have any requirements please contact us with your details so that we can discuss the same.
Wood turning lathes are typically used to shape wood into cylindrical profiles. Objects made on a wood lathe include such items as furniture legs, lamp posts, baseball bats, bowls and other ornamental forms.A wood lathe is a type of lathe that's designed specifically for woodworking applications. In other words, they are used to cut, sand, drill, face, turn and deform wooden workpieces.
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